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What is Oxygen Debt? Why Does it Matter?
“A cumulative deficit of oxygen available for oxidative metabolism that develops during periods of intense bodily activity and must be made good when the body returns to rest”. (Merriam Dictionary)
“Oxygen Debt” is a term used to describe what happens when we run out of breath during intense exercise. Our muscles require more oxygen than they can get from the air around us. Therefore, they use the oxygen stored in our body tissues and break down anaerobic glucose for energy. This process creates lactic acid as a by-product, which causes us to feel exhausted and sore while running.
A.V. Hill was the first to describe the phenomenon of oxygen debt. He discovered that oxygen debt occurs when muscles need more oxygen than they are getting, causing a metabolic imbalance. This imbalance happens when a person exercises at a high intensity for an extended period. Symptoms of oxygen debt can be seen in a person’s blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate. During this time, the body’s core temperature increases, and sweating decreases as the body pushes more heat out through the skin. When you exercise at high altitudes, including air pollution, smoking, and certain medical conditions the potential to experience oxygen debt exists.
What are the symptoms of oxygen debt?
Exercising at a high intensity level for more than an hour can lead to decreased performance, and increase the risk of injury, exhaustion, and dehydration. Some suggested symptoms may include dyspnea, fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. However, you can train your lungs to take in more air with each breath by working on your respiratory muscles through deep breathing exercises and proper running techniques.
Oxygen Debt Example
Dr. Andrew Jones, a British researcher was working on an experiment where he wanted to measure how much energy people use when they are exercising intensely for 10 minutes. He measured the resting energy expenditure of each person in calories and assigned them a rating of 1 to 4 based on how much they weighed.
The individual ratings were then totaled to obtain the person’s total calorie expenditure for that workout. However, the results were not what he expected – the resting energy expenditure increased by up to 300%! What he found was the effect of resistance exercise on metabolism.
Since a person’s weight and exercise intensity are closely linked there, it’s not surprising that a person who weighs more needs more energy to keep their body in motion when they perform intense exercises. The increase in metabolic rate during exercise is primarily due to muscle contraction, and the more a person weighs the harder their muscles need to work and the more energy they will require to keep them in motion.
How to Avoid Running into an Oxygen Debt Situation
When participating in intense physical activities such as long-distance running, you should avoid going into “oxygen debt”. Give your body enough time to recover and get enough sleep the night before. Additionally, consuming nutritious foods and resting can also aid in preventing oxygen debt. Gradually increasing workout intensity through properly formulated training plans can also help the body become accustomed to exercise and improve its ability to utilize oxygen effectively.
Certain dietary supplements, such as creatine and beta-alanine, may also help enhance one’s capacity to handle strenuous activities and delay the onset of oxygen debt. However, consulting with your healthcare professional before taking any supplements is essential.
Final Thoughts
Understanding the concept of oxygen debt is crucial for anyone engaging in high-intensity exercise or long-distance running. When the body cannot get enough oxygen to meet its needs, it shifts to anaerobic metabolism, with an increase in lactic acid. This can cause symptoms of fatigue, dyspnea, headaches, and dizziness. However, you can avoid oxygen debt and improve your capacity to cope with strenuous activity by following a proper training plan and making lifestyle adjustments such as getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, and taking specific dietary supplements. By implementing these strategies, you can maximize the benefits of your workouts while minimizing the risk of injury, exhaustion, and dehydration. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Ensure you prioritize your health and fitness by staying mindful of your body’s oxygen needs during exercise.
As a college student back in the day, I would run through oxygen debt and after a while would experience what some refer to as a “second wind”. It’s the most exhilarating feeling, your body becomes completely relaxed, your muscles loosen up and there’s a fluidity in each stride. You feel as though you can run forever.